Since 1937, the Foundation Museum of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee is committed to the preservation of the heritage of the Royal Marechaussee, the Police Corps Forces, and all those forces that are in any way related (or have been related) to the Royal Marechaussee because of their history or their duties.
With the preservation of the heritage of the Royal Marechaussee the (private) foundation wants to enable the tradition, and wants to contribute to the support of the Royal Marechaussee in the Dutch society.
The foundation has an unique collection of uniforms, other objects, photos and documents. It is a valuable source for research into the role and significance of the Royal Marechaussee (and the forces mentioned earlier) within the Dutch police system. Simultaneously, the collection shows the uniqueness of the Marechaussee, in which both the esprit de corps and the combination of civil and military aspects play an important role.
Promoting the study of the history of the Royal Marechaussee and (enabling) publishing publications on this subject are a logical expansion of the concern for the preservation of the heritage of the Royal Marechaussee.
An important part of the collection is provided on loan since 2014 to the Foundation of the Royal Defense Museums, which is the umbrella for -amongst others- the Museum of the Royal Marechaussee. The archives of the Foundation Museum of the Royal Marechaussee remained outside the loan agreement.
Private files form the heart of the collection of the Museum Foundation of the Royal Marechaussee. The foundation’s collection consists of donations and private archives taken into custody. Our archive consists of representations of the written word (paper or digital), video and audio material.
To give substance to one of its objectives, and within the possibilities parts of the archives offer by nature, the foundation wants to stimulate (scientific) research into the Royal Marechaussee, and related corpses, much as possible.To this end, the Foundation Museum of the Royal Marechaussee is working to open up its archives for a larger target group.
If you have any questions about the archive, we are happy to assist you. We ask you, where appropriate, to send us your inquiry in writing by means of the “Information Request Form” (only in Dutch). Of course, you can download here the information request form and send it by post. Our mailing address is: Archive SMK, Weeshuiswal 4/9, 4116 BR Buren, The Netherlands.
Depending on the efforts to be made, you will be charged. See our rates.